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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Posted in: Home & Garden
By Alexis
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April Showers Bring May Flowers

  April Showers Bring May Flowers

 I’ve always been one of those people who just absolutely cannot pass by a pretty flower without wanting to take it home and use it as home décor. However, would it not be best to let such a beautiful creation thrive outside of your home where it can live a much longer and happier life?

Spring is here and I have found some of the best flowers to plant for spring weather.

If you’re interested in adding a flower with a variety of colors, I’ve got a few to share!

Let’s start with the Pansy. Pansies can come in shades of white, purple, blue, red, orange, yellow and pink!  It is best to plant Pansy seeds in the late winter so that you may start to see a bloom in the early spring. Sunlight is a Pansy’s best friend, so make sure they are planted where they will receive PLENTY of it. Of course, please remember to water these plants regularly!


Pansies <photo credit:>


Next is the Hellebore. This full flower comes in a variety of colors as well. Unlike the Pansies, Hellebores prefer shade and their roots are even tough enough to compete with tree roots. These flowers are also low-maintenance. Just make sure to remove any worn foliage to keep up their spectacular appearance,


Hellebore <Photo credit:>


Another dazzling little flower with a wide variety of colorful choice is the Tulip. Not only are there Tulips in almost every color, but some are even multicolored! Tulips are also known to grow in several “forms” such as cups, to bowls, to goblets. Tulips will also bloom best in areas with dry summers and cold winters. I recommend trying to plant the seeds in area where they will receive sunlight since they prefer a full sun. Try to avoid a lot of moisture. Tulips prefer an area with well-drained soil. Even when it comes to watering tulips, do not do it often unless you are experiencing a dry season.


Tulips <Photo Credit:>


If you love the color purple, these next two flowers are just for you!

First, let’s start with the Lilac. Although Lilacs actually come in seven different colors, most are familiar with this shade. Lilacs are not only easy to grow, but they are low-maintenance as well! These beauties are known to create a lovely, flowery fragrance and they are also known to be attractive to butterflies. Just try to make sure that you plant your Lilacs in a place where they will receive at least six hours of sun every day. Also, make sure that your soil “site” drains well. Lilacs will not bloom at full capacity if their roots are to become too wet. Always just make sure to maintain the shrubs beauty if it begins to look worn.


Lilacs <photo credit:>


Next, is the Grand Maître Crocus. This flower will add a soft and subtle touch to your garden. These flowers bloom well in places where they can receive partial sunlight and a little shade. This little purple beauty is to be watered regularly, but over watered.

Grand Maître Crocus <Photo credit:>


Let us offset the garden a little bit by adding a beautiful, airy and gentle white plant. This one is called the Mockorange or a “Miniature Snowflake”. This shrub is known to be very resilient and long-lasting. The Mockorange carries a citrus-like fragrance which is why they are mostly grown in an area in which the smell can be encountered. Make sure to choose a location where this dazzling shrub can receive a full sun and where it can have a lot of space to grow comfortably.


Mockorange <photo credit:>


Here in sweet home Alabama, we are known for a shrub with gorgeous blooming Azaleas. They are so well-known around here, that we award young ladies (in high school) for their achievements, high academics and school spirit as “Azalea Trail Maids”. Each maid wears a dress in which represents a color of an Azalea bush, from pink to purple, to green to yellow, and even a light blue. Azaleas need soil that is not too dry or too moist. When watering these plants, water them with overheard with a hose in the early morning. It is best to keep Azaleas more shaded. Sunlight can cause the leaves to become bleached or can even cause them to burn.

So whatever flower or flowers that you choose to add a little “pop” to your home this Spring, please make sure to do thorough research on the care of each plant. 


Azaleas <Photo Credit:>

9 years ago