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From the Toilet to the Tap: We are all Urine Drinkers

Posted in: Health & Fitness
By Charles Montgomery
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From the Toilet to the Tap: We are all Urine Drinkers

In May, Ke$ha announced to the World that she drinks her own urine. Everyone was outraged. How could she do such a thing? Well, it turns out we are all just a bunch of pee drinkers. In fact, we pee the same pee other people have pee'd for thousands of years. Confused? Check out the infographic below. From-Your-Toilet-to-Your-Tap-and-Back-Again
11 years ago
How does my Urine Taste?
11 years ago at 8:35 AM
[...] From the Toilet to the Tap: We are all Urine Drinkers - The Pleated Piper [...]