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Let’s Get Feng Shui in the Bedroom

Posted in: Home & Garden
By Alexis
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Let’s Get Feng Shui in the Bedroom

                                    Wind. Water. When you hear these two words, peace and serenity may be the first thoughts that enter your mind.             These two words signify “harmony” and “balance”. These two words also represent what “Feng Shui” means. Feng Shui is a style that began over 6,000 years ago and is now being practiced all over the world. It is believed that people will be capable of making themselves more attuned with nature, their surroundings and their everyday lives to impact their financial means, health and emotions by simply arranging their household furniture to encourage a better and healthier flow of energy.                     Your bedroom is a place in your home in which you should feel the most relaxed and at ease. This sacred realm is the place where you sleep and should do so in peace. So, I have few tips in making sure that your room meets the Feng Shui standards.  
  1. TV is a No-No! A great Feng Shui energy can be obliterated once when an item like a television is present. Not only can this be bad for your health (due to EMFs – Electromagnetic Fields), a television can bring the bad energy and stress from work and/or school. TV’s primarily serve as a distraction and can become bad news for a relationship. It is different when the TV’s in a living room or game room setting. However, it can definitely be removed from more personable settings.
  2. Keep it Breezy! The quality of the air flow in your bedroom is very important when it comes to the rules of Feng Shui. Great Feng Shui doesn’t involve stale and polluted air so why not try opening your windows often or investing in an air purifier! Hey, why not do both? Plants are not considered to be “good” Feng Shui, but oils can work essentially to aid in purifying the air in your room. It is important that you know to make sure that the oils are indeed ESSENTIAL – meaning that they contain healing properties.


    3M Filtrete FAP01 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier ($74.99)

  3. Making the Bed-line! Your bed alignment is a very crucial key in meeting the best Feng Shui requirements. First, you need to make absolutely sure that your bed is easily accessible from both sides. Next, make sure that there a bedside table that can be reached easily on both sides. AVOID HAVING YOUR BED DIRECTLY IN LINE WITH YOUR BEDROOM DOOR! Also, make sure that your bed is always neat and tidy with a nice, firm mattress, a solid headboard and shoot for high-quality sheets!
  4. What You Choose to Decorate Determines Your Feng Shui Fate! Make sure that you have various lighting options. Light is the #1 nutrient and is considered one of the strongest expressions of energy.  Try investing in a dimmer switch or lots of toxin-free candles!It is always best to use “skin-color” hues when it comes to the colors you choose to paint your walls. These can range from pale white to dark brown. This will improve the energy flow to promote invigorating sleep. When it comes to things like “wall art”, always make sure that you are choosing pieces that you actually want to see occurring in your life. If being glum and a loner is your thing, then go for the depressing art work. I am just sure that you will enjoy a more beautiful, colorful, nourishing and happy energy instead. 
  5. Last but Not Least. Try to remember to shut all doors before going to bed every night. This includes the main bedroom door, closet door(s) and restroom doors (if applicable). Keeping all of the doors closed will aid in an allowance of the best and most nourishing environment causing your health to strengthen. Try to understand the difference of energies that your windows and doors create and how keeping one closed and the other open benefits in the flow of peaceful energy.
  Trying new things may not be for everyone, but moving around some furniture and changing up your bedroom to meet the Feng Shui standard can only be temporary and will not hurt to try. You may find that you prefer this newfound lifestyle and that it does indeed create a new type of energy and tranquility in your life.

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9 years ago